Unchained Brain
‘Unchained Brain,’, a live show based on his experiences surrounding his stroke and resulting “broken brain.” The hour-long experimental performance includes spoken word, live music, video elements, animation, medical analysis, and comedy. It is a strange and inspiring story of transformation from mild-mannered chiropractor, to medical mystery, to compulsive artist, and what lies beyond.
"Jon’s performance was two parts Lou Reed, three parts Charles Bukowski and five parts Allen Ginsberg. A thought-provoking, engaging night and a fascinating story! We loved having him at Salem State!" - Nick Garratini, Salem State University.
“Never one to do something normal, ‘Unchained Brain,’ is a wholly unique take on the typical artist talk. Sarkin commands the stage with a magnetism that keeps you hooked as the show takes one bizarre turn after another.” - Emile Doucette, Filmmaker